Underground car park
Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski

, 01067 Dresden
, Altstadt
0711 / 305 70 305
Parking tariff
from €2.90 per hour
to €30.00 per day
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Open all day
Quick information
Total Spaces
Women Spaces
Disabled Spaces
2.00 m
Entrance height
Flatrate parking
Drive in and out of the car park as often as you wish at a fixed monthly price. Based on a contract parking rental contract.
Parking Tariff
Short-term parker:
Each started hour: 2.90 €
Daily max.: 30.00 €
Lost ticket (plus parking fees): 30.00 €
Car Park Description
Dresdner Zwinger, castle, Neumarkt with The Church of Our Lady, opera and Brühlsche Terrasse are within walking distance from the underground car park of the "Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski". In this car park you can rent a parking space or long-term parking. Long-term parking possible.