Car park (surface) Deutsche Bank Park - Waldparkplatz Eintracht


Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12
, 60528 Frankfurt
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wunsch.heirat.blatt what3words has assigned a unique three-word address to every 3m x 3m square in the world. This describes the exact entrance to the carpark.
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Opening Hours

Mon - Sun
Open all day
Parking garage only accessable during events.

Quick information

Total Spaces
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wunsch.heirat.blatt what3words has assigned a unique three-word address to every 3m x 3m square in the world. This describes the exact entrance to the carpark.
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Deutsche Bank Park - Waldparkplatz Eintracht-1
Deutsche Bank Park - Waldparkplatz Eintracht-2
Deutsche Bank Park - Waldparkplatz Eintracht-3

Parking Tariff

Tariffs according to the notice on site

Car Park Description

Parking at Waldparkplatz right around Frankfurt Eintracht arena.


Car Parks Nearby


Open all day, Underground car park

If you are disabled, you can use special spaces
There is a 24/7 video surveillance
per hour from  2.30
Universitätsklinikum P2

Open all day, Car park (surface)

This carpark has barriers on entry and/or exit. Entry/exit is validated by parking paper tickets, identification card or other electronic devices.
per hour from  1.50
Universitätsklinikum Sandhofst...

Open all day, Multistorey car park

This carpark has barriers on entry and/or exit. Entry/exit is validated by parking paper tickets, identification card or other electronic devices.
If you are disabled, you can use special spaces
An elevator or lift is a type of vertical transportation that moves people or goods between floors (levels, decks) of a multilevel carpark.
There is start up help in the car park
per hour from  1.50

Never pull a ticket again!  Go to Park-App

Never pull a ticket again!  Go to Park-App

Never pull a ticket again!  Go to Park-App